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A Safe & Secure Fellowship Space for Christ-minded Communities.

GracePal is a global meeting place of believers committed to Christ and to one another. Get together to learn, share and accomplish something. 

GracePal is a Secure One-Stop Social Media and Video Service Platform for Kingdom Communities

Enhance your ministries with interactive Video Meetings, Posts, Discussions, Video Chats, Audio Chats & Messaging.

Zoom-like Video Meetings for groups

Reddit-like Forums

Video Chat - instant video conversations

Trello-like Tasks - to manage projects

Facebook-like Posts & Groups

Texting - instant texting & language translation

Document Management - where your data is secure

Think Kingdom Globally .

Act Locally .

Be Passionate .

Today Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Reddit are constantly influencing our minds, while very little spiritual interaction takes place online. Also kingdom communities need not be marginalized. All who are covered by the blood of the Lamb need the red carpet treatment. In an era of Big Tech and Artificial Intelligence, one of the biggest challenges social media companies face is the boundaries of ethics and technology. It takes a community of truth-seekers to lead with courage. GracePal commits to be the change that we wish to see in your communities. Join and be that change! 

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GracePal is a virtual kingdom community of ministry groups  that is engaged in prayer, missions and discipleship on a 24-7 basis. It is a platform where ministries can be connected every day to guide and support and inspire its members. Members are invited by existing GracePal members and groups. 


GracePal is a platform to encourage and build one another. Unlike negative feedback on other social media sites, we care to achieve 1Thessalonians 5:14: “We urge you, brethren, admonish the disorderly, console the discouraged and fainthearted, help the sick, support the weak, be patient toward all.”


Learning is an essential ingredient of any vibrant community. The purpose of GracePal is to facilitate a shared learning experience to achieve the goal of Ephesians 4:13. “Until we all reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature person.” 


Everyone is born with at least one gift. Choose to believe it. GracePal is about sharing in the Spirit of Christ as Phil 2:3-5. “Do not act out of selfish ambition or conceit, but with humility think of others as being better than yourselves. Have the same attitude that was also in Christ Jesus.”


Faith is more than a vocal expression. GracePal encourages attending to the needs as a community. The motive behind serving is to give glory to God through actions according to James 2:17. “Faith by itself, if it does not prove itself with actions, is dead.”

GracePal is a Caring Community to Share, Learn & Serve Together

Experience the Power of Social Media in a Community You Can Trust

Your data is not collected and sold. Members have full control over the user experience.

Members moderate the communities to remove spam or posts that go against the community guidelines.

Users can integrate contacts from other platforms.

A user can use the platform to post on other networks if needed.




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Facebook Group Capabilities for Faith Communities

GracePal provides a kingdom alternative to Facebook groups where ministries can manage their own communities separately. Additionally, zoom-like meetings, events calendar, discussions and chats are made available, providing a one-stop experience for GracePal users virtually from any location.  Such groups are called “Koinonia” on GracePal. Each “Koinonia” can have a separate niche cause, issue or activity to organize within the kingdom. Groups can express objectives, discuss issues, post photos, and share related content. Members can manage their “Koinonia” or join another group as in Facebook.

Powerful & Secure Zoom-like Meetings

Whether you need to schedule a weekly fellowship meeting or a meeting on short notice with your groups, GracePal has options to facilitate them. Advanced options such as improve the video and audio quality during the meetings is also available. Community members can host meetings virtually from anywhere in the world. Participants and presenters can take part at their own convenience with an internet-capable device. 

Chats & Video Calling

GracePal members can make one-to-one video calls and text chat with members within the community. We suggest to keep such communications within the context of building and serving one another in brotherly love. These calls can be face-to-face calls or off-video calls.  The text-only chat is also available that works like a phone text messaging except without the text charges applied by your telephone carrier.

Community Learning Tools

GracePal facilitates forums and discussion topics that are relevant to community members. These discussions can be about  variety of kingdom topics. Besides spiritual, discussions about practical life areas are addressed from a biblical perspective. The topics are categorized into seven general areas of need-vocational, familial, emotional, relational, spiritual, physical and economical.

Workflow Tools to Manage Ministry Projects

GracePal is more than a Zoom or a WhatsApp-like application. It has capabilities for ministry groups to manage project planning and workflow in real-time. Any users that has project that requires some planning can now manage their workflow using GracePal. This powerful community tool can improve the productivity for kingdom projects to deliver services on time and with excellence. 

Live Presentation and Demos

Advanced meeting hosts that need the capability to make quality presentations can use GracePal to go along with their Zoom-like conference calling.   GracePal has in-built features that allows one to make slides and presentation on the fly or commit to a preset format as needed. This feature is besides screen sharing facility. 


World-Class Security

In a highly social media-driven culture today, GracePal provides a safe and secure communication tool for faith-based communities.  Transparency of data  and encryption is held to the highest standards. Unlike Big Tech companies, GracePal community members data is not harvested to companies to make profit from advertising revenues. No data leaves our community.

Fast & Secure Calls

GracePal platform can be used to make secure one-to-one and/or group calls.


Oversight Board

GracePal maintains an oversight board of faith-based and community leaders of good standing.

Seamless Collaboration

2020 and beyond has seen a surge in work-from-home due to Corona Virus. This means flexible work life without compromising on productivity becomes the new normal.  GracePal is more than just a platform for meetings and call features. It has collaborative tools where faith community members are able to track projects undertaken by GracePal groups and members.  


Virtual work boards help with collaboration and messaging for project environments.


Document sharing and synchronizing are available for GracePal community to manage ministry-related projects.

Post Topics, Pictures & Videos

GracePal users can post topics, pictures and videos like in Facebook. Posts can be to made public(to all community members) or only to your friends or selected groups. Moreover, each group can maintain their own sub-communities for Bible study, prayer groups as in Facebook groups. Discussion boards & chat rooms can be used as project communication tools and to enhance collaborative learning.


Calendar feature allows scheduling & reminders for upcoming events and meetings for ministry projects.

Chat Rooms

IRC-style features includes persistent chat rooms organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging.

Earn Rewards & Badges

Points and badges are part of a reward system to encourage GracePal members to engage in active participation and to set and complete tasks. It generates an accountability to improve life goals and can be used as a discipleship, mentoring or ministry tool to measure progress.

A Caring Environment to Learn, Share & Serve

Cut your dependency on social media!

You control your data and message; not the big social media corporations!

Integrate and onboard in minutes…


GracePal’s vision is to foster a vibrant social media and communication platform for kingdom-based ministries, projects and small groups to be active and innovative in challenging times ahead.


GracePal’s mission is to provide safe and secure communication tools where kingdom folks can come together, unified in a bond of reciprocity, a reciprocity constituted by giving and receiving in Christ’s love. Members are added by invite-only from existing members.

Kingdom Community

“Communitas” describes the action of kingdom mission that is birthed from being together and experiencing spiritual journey in a corporate way. When any community activity goes into a conscious stimulus of a strong kingdom cause, it passes a threshold and transitions into communitas. In a communitas, a ministry is not a goal rather a means by which kingdom mission is accomplished. It is beyond a social activity or club, rather a sense of comradeship which the Bible means by the word Philadelphia or brotherly love. Communitas is interactions that take place in the context of anti-structure within a community where individuals can recognize their “humankindness”.  GracePal strive to see “kingdomkindness” among “Grace” pals. A good starting point before every action taken is to ask why we do what we do from a kingdom standpoint.

The meaning of Ekklesia in the Bible is not just a community meeting on a Sunday morning or several times a week. It is a local body of believers that lived in a face-to-face community and had a shared life together, loved one another, knew each other and took care of each other. They saw themselves as family, despite people of racial, sexual, economic division. A living, breathing extended family where things happen 24/7.

Frank Viola

From Pagan Christianity?: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices

Communitas in the way I want to define it is a community infused with a grand sense of purpose; a purpose that lies outside of its current internal reality and constitution. It’s the kind of community that “happens” to people in actual pursuit of a common vision of what could be. It involves movement and it describes the experience of togetherness that only really happens among a group of people actually engaging in a mission outside itself.

Alan Hirsch

Author, The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church

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Here you can find the latest news updates and things happening in the GracePal community. Please feel free to check here often. Alternatively you can sign up for our email newsletter. 

App Coming Soon!

GracePal app on phone devices are on the way. Feel free to experience the benefits of GracePal on any internet-enabled devices, desktops and tablets for now.

Put You & Your Family in God’s Hands First

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